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Start your journey of self-discovery through Vedic Astrology.

with Chaya

About Vedic Astrology

The ancient Indian science of understanding a persons relationship to the cosmos. 

Astrology is considered as the eyes of the Vedas, as it guides an individual or society into the future through scientific calculations of the planetary positions while it has no place for superstitions.

Our life on planet earth is affected greatly by the 9 Planets of the Solar system, though we may not feel it.

Just as the Earth has a gravitational pull which keeps us glued to the Earth, we are affected by the Sun in that we get up automatically when the Sun rises & the waxing and waning Moon effects our emotions. In a similar way all the other planets affect us.


Vedic Astrology is based on the position of the planets at the time of birth of an individual and this is specific for each person, just as their fingerprints are specific. 

It can guide you to live a life of harmony within oneself, one’s surroundings, family & profession.


What I can help you with ?

Vastu for 

Home and 







Love Life 


Horoscope Matchmaking




About my Guru

Late Dr. Vijay Gupta

I have had the good fortune of being imparted this knowledge by my Guru Late Dr. Vijay Gupta.

Dr. Vijay Gupta was born in a business family and was a businessman in his early years of life. He was drawn to the spiritual path once he became aware that life is influenced by other forces apart from your own efforts. He would meditate for unlimited hours seeking answers to his questions about these forces. He received a Doctorate in Astrology from Akhil Bhartiya Jyotish Sanstha Sangh, India.

Vijay then dedicated the rest his life towards guiding people to live a more meaningful life through Astrology & Vastu Shastra. A life of Harmony within oneself, one’s surroundings,  family & in one’s profession.

About myself

Chaya Gupta

I have lived the life of a businesswoman in the early years of my life in Delhi, India and at present I am based in Auckland, New Zealand.

It was my Destiny and good fortune to be the wife of my Guru Dr. Vijay Gupta. My Guru attained enlightenment through his meditation, and as I kept serving him, he imparted the knowledge to me. I have spent 20 years in the service of my Guru and today I have been able to give guidance to many in times of hardship.


"Don't be upset and sad in bad times. You are not weak, your time is weak."

- Bhagwat Gita

Audio Discourses


How can we then gain the utmost from guidance and is there any way to avoid the harmful effects of the planets?

This is a very complex process. According to the Planetary position, if a period is not favourable, there are different types of Upasnaas that can be undertaken to make the effect better, this only dependents on the dedication of the Upasak. My Guru Dr. Vijay Gupta has compiled with great devotion the nature, effect and Karmic remedies for each planet. The Audios have been uploaded on this website. They are free of any charges for the benefit of all mankind.

On this website, other audios of Dr. Vijay Gupta on popular topics like Pitra Dosh and Spirituality have been uploaded as well to enlighten you about these Philosophies.

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Chaya Gupta

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